About the tutors
Are the tutors practising copywriters?
Yes, all tutors are practising copywriters. Some other organizations use college lecturers, which means you don't get the information from the real 'coal face'.
Course costs
Does the cost for the course include everything I need? Or are there any extra fees?
There are no other costs or fees.
Can I spread the cost of the courses over a period of time?
Yes. You can make five monthly payments. It costs 20% more. You can find the cost of paying by installments by clicking here.
How could I get my money back if I don't like the course?
Just return the course in good condition within 30 days of receiving it, and we'll send you a full refund.
Course duration
How long does it usually take to complete the course?
Many students complete the course in nine months. But you can do it as quickly or slowly as you want. That's one advantage of distance learning.
Do I need to finish the course within a certain time?
You can take as long as you want. Unlike other organizations, we don't set any time limits.
What does the course cost?
You can find the cost of the course by clicking here.
I live in the USA, UK, Ireland, Australia, Canada, Borneo etc. Is the course suitable for me?
Yes. We have students in 28 countries. And we have two two editions of the course. One is for North America and countries that are influenced by the US and Canada.
The other edition is for the UK and Europe, and countries influenced by them.
How can I contact my tutor or the Institute?
There have two types of people you can contact - your tutor and a course advisor.
The tutor marks your work, and helps you with any problems. You can fax, e-mail or post assignments to your tutor, whenever you want.
We don't give out the tutor's phone number, because a few people would spend all day talking to their tutors, who would never get any work done.
But sometimes students get stuck, or have an urgent query. If so, you can phone a course advisor at the Institute at any time during work hours. If you leave a message out of work hours we'll ring you back the next day. You can contact course advisors as often as you want, and about anything to do with copywriting.
How do I make contact?
Can I contact other students?
Yes, we have a student database. You can add your contact details and get in touch with other students. You can swap ideas, or solve problems together.
What about accreditation?
Is the course accredited? And by whom?
Yes, we're accredited by the Open and Distance Learning Quality Council. You can find them at www.odlqc.org.uk. We're listed under Learning Institute, our parent organization.
We're also accredited by Which Web Trader, and by Public Eye.
We are also registered with the Department for Education and Skills on its Register of Education and Training Providers. The Register is a list of genuine education and training providers in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. The Register does not quality assure or accredit in any way the learning provision of any registered provider.
You can find us on the register by clicking here. We are registered under our corporate trading name of 'Home Study Courses Limited'.
Will the course give me credits towards a degree or some other study?
No. But it will help you set up and run your own business. And we encourage all students to continue their studies after completing the course.
When can I do the course?
Can I start the course at any time?
Where can I study the course?
Is the course all from home, or do I have to go to a test center?
It's all from home

Read more: Case Studies